Thursday, February 21, 2008

Much Ado About Nothing

I was glad to read how the US Navy had no problem shooting down the dangerous satellite fuel tank orbiting earth. I could harp on the money wasted on the satellite, the firing exercise, and the PR efforts required to address shooting down the satellite, which are all legitimate, but a well-worn path. With the number of satellites and paraphernalia circling the earth thank goodness we don't come into contact with other life forms. I'd be embarrassed. Earth must look like a Mississippi front yard, cluttered with satellites and junk, much like a trailer encircled with rusted cars on cinder blocks and tattered weight benches.

Watched a recap of the Accenture Match Play. JB Holmes was shell shocked after his loss to TW, which was a fantastic match. Aside from his heroics, I don't see Tiger winning the event. I predict a Stenson repeat.

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