Thursday, May 13, 2010

Annoy and Enjoy

Normally I like to keep my writing upbeat, but I need to vent. I watch little TV, but of the few shows I follow, these people annoy me the most.

3. Rachael Ray - Food Network - Seems overly fake, and has bastardized the skill required for great cooking.

2. Michael Breed - The Golf Fix, TGC - An annoying mile-a-minute personality.

1. James Oseland - Top Chef Masters - I love how the chefs/judges rebuke every comment he makes. By the way, food cannot 'be subterfuged', subterfuge is a noun, not a verb.

On a better note, three types of candy reminding me of childhood.

3. Baby Ruth
2. Krakel (or Special Dark) - I don't think I ever had a full (non-mini) bar
1. Rolos


Eric Z said...

Ugh! Baby Ruth is the Pete Gillen* of candy. How can you eat that??

Subsititue Baby Ruth with Whatchamacallit and you have a good list.

* Pete Gillen is a Cincinnati term for "red headed step-child".

Kleebs15 said...

Krakel and good!