Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thank Goodness

It wasn't too long ago the Wizards were the laughingstock of the NBA. The lynchpin of the debacle was Kwame Brown. Today'sWashington Post goes into great detail about the heart and motivation of Caron Butler, and it is apparent his contribution to the team is a departure from the laziness of Kwame and helped lead the team to success.

The Wizards are an enjoyable team to watch, for which winning plays a major part. The signing of Arenas and trade for Butler (offset with the loss of Larry Hughes) were great moves by Ernie Grunfeld, who has proven his worth as a fantastic GM. Basketball in DC used to be unwatchable; the success of the Wizz has breathed life into downtown DC as Chinatown has grown and thrived with their success.

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