Sunday, January 06, 2008

Obama Edwards Coalition

Although I rarely turn my attention to politics, I was both amused and annoyed by the WP recap of the Democratic New Hampshire debate . The campaign being run by Hillary is wholly robotic, and an analogy can be easily drawn to sports, where a favorite alters their game plan (increased attacks, more informal during stumping) based on the performance of an upstart. Her robotic nature led to baited repartee over universal health care and a required mandate for children's health care. Her continued rallying cry to review experience I render out of scope, because the Presidency requires skills surpassing any other elected position. Personally, I favor the Obama/Edwards emotive credibility, to augment their base of experience. Every candidate has experience, but not Presidential experience, so addressing experience is a non-factor.

Do I know today who I am voting for in November? No. I also realize no candidate (Democrat or Republican) will be the perfect ideological match, and will vote for a candidate who, while not supporting all of my personal beliefs, I consider to be the best choice for the office of Chief Executive. Campaigns and debates have the ability to highlight individual issues, individual records, when electing a President is a macro endeavor.

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