Friday, February 29, 2008

Under / Over

Underrated : Sebastian Bach, 'Comin' Under Fire' by Def Leppard, the Super Spinach burrito from Burrito Brothers.

Todays NY Times outlines the attacks the Republicans plan to wage against Obama during the election campaign. Obviously neither party will avoid stooping to scare tactics, but the fear and rhetoric of the Republicans is very disappointing. It is very easy to assail the change Obama constitutes, but if you review what he supports and what the Republicans are attacking, common sense renders many of his opinions/actions moot. He'd meet with Raul Castro? So what, what can come of a meeting. People are going to interpret any action/meeting from their own viewpoint, so as long as he can justify his actions, so be it. Licenses to illegals? Like they aren't driving anyway.

Would it be too difficult to move away from a platform of scare tactics, propaganda, and manipulation?

Happy Leap Day! Happy Leap Day Birthday to Cary Conklin, Antonio Sabato Jr., and Chucky Brown.

1 comment:

Eric Z said...

Oh boo hoo. You mean a presidential election may turn negative? No!

When people in this country can say the words "Social Security Reforms" or "Affirmative Action? Yes or No" and not be branded either a:
a) racist, or
b) trying to kill old/poor people

then I will be more receptive to criticism about "scare mongering".

As a recipient of these sort of scare tactics for the past, oh, 15-20 years or so, the NY Times whining falls on deaf ears.