Wednesday, July 19, 2006


From the ages of 22 - now, I've rented a number of different residences, which has led to a number of drycleaners (often more than one per residence). Why do all drycleaners find it necessary to stamp/write/stencil/woodburn my name to the bottom of the inside? I could understand if you were tagging with some sort of low-rent RFID, but the fact my name is written multiple times on the same shirt is ridiculous. It really got out of hand when I found my name written in pen on a pocket in a pair of slacks. Isn't it the point to keep ink as far away from clothes as possible?

When I outgrow/wear out my shirts, do I really want to pass it to goodwill with my name inside?

I am really stoked for the British Open. I say winner is -14.

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