Thursday, November 10, 2005

Mario Andretti in a MC

My commute to work normally renders me tense and upset; this morning I was witness to an act that brightened my day, which happens on @ 1% of my commutes.

Crossing the 14th Street Bridge into DC between 7 - 9 AM requires me to be stuck in complete gridlock; cars are bumper-to-bumper, travelling @ 2 mph and trying not to allow anyone to merge into traffic.

From the periphery, a Mini-Cooper came darting off the on-ramp and attempted to cross from the far right to far left lanes as quickly as possible. The guy entered the interstate doing @ 50, and actually crossed the first lane while being perpendiclar to the oncoming traffic. Foot glued to the gas pedal and acting out his deathwish, he can to a halt when he almost t-boned the Accord in the 2nd lane, who was laying on his horn. Undaunted, the Mini-Cooper made a 90' right turn to get into the actual flow of traffic and proceeded as if his brazen actg was a common occurence.

I was highly impressed. I am fortunate to drive an SUV, if I owned a Mini, I'd be pulling the same act.

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