Monday, November 14, 2005


Has the chronic short-mindedness from which most of us suffer, which, in small aspects, has led the economic bubble of the late 1990's, early 2000's to become a parenthetical footnote, leading us down a specialized, but similar path?

I do not believe the bursting of the bubble was a terrible event, the market correction did not negate the billions of dollars that funneled into internet research and expansion of bandwidth, for which we are currently reaping benefits. I view the real estate boom as an output of the bursting tech bubble, as money was funneled to investment options that offered more tangible returns.

Has collective amnesia led us to overvalue Google, current market cap of $110 billion? Google is a contributor into my daily routine, but is not integral, and I have yet to see plans for long term Google strategy, other than hiring talent and advancing a 'shoot at everything that moves' mentality that spans geographical mapping and information processing, medical and genome research. Is Google the sure thing the flow of money indicates? Will Google investment reap corollary benefits that are received industry-wide? Regardless, I look forward to reading "The Google Story", by David P. Vise, to be released tomorrow.

Also a great read:

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